e v e l y n *

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

ok. this post is specially delicated to my dear, des. she can onli be the one for today's post. SHE was the one who wanted tis entry. being a kind soul, i've to do it. *cries* she wanted me to tell others SHE helped LIM WEI-QI to carry her GEOGRAPHY BLACK RING FILE and her AMATH BIG BOOK. well, i've got to say she's nice (she force me de =P) and she helped me TWICE. but seems like i helped her to take HER books ytd like 4th time???!!!! geeX. btw, miss TEO YUTIAN finally make it! she had finished abt 3/4 of a SMALL (mind u, it's onli a small) cup of pepis in kfc (which i suppose this was the 1st time). she's goanna kill me when she sees this. oops! =X and of cos, she didnt finish eating her cheese fries though she did ate finish the burger.. mr hafiz was pulling their leg! des was so worried ytd. guess everything came out well (: